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A vision for an American Empire

Traveling through the warp of political philosophy can always lead to interesting things. The honorable folks of the Imperium should always tred carefully. The disciples of Khorne, Slaanesh, Nurgle, and Tzeentch are recruiting.

I discovered this article from a civic authoritarian project. Here’s my take on the author’s writings. America’s time as a republic is definitely over. The future is imperial in nature.

He accurately maps out the progression from Republic to Empire. I liked the suggestion of looking to the federalists for inspiration. Hamilton, and Adams to be precise. Here’s some outlandish suggestions for how to craft the Empire of America.

The Holy Roman Empire is an excellent example for how it could operate. Towns, cities, counties, and states are now governed by influential families. Electors would be able to vote for the Emperor Empress of America. Countries could voluntarily join the Empire of America.

The Empire of America in it’s early stages will have to expand without firing a shot. This can easily be done by reforming the foreign aid program, and remittance policies. Giving up sovereignty to the Empire of America becomes a prerequisite for aid. Countries like Moldova, Haiti, and Thailand could apply for statehood. Leading to enjoying all the benefits that come with it. Better infrastructure, quality of life, and more. The influential families of these new imperial states would be able to represent them in the capital.

Atheism & anti-theism must be considered taboo within the Empire. It only breeds defeatism, and unmitigated hedonism. The Empire will have to embrace religious belief. Personally I don’t think a state religion is necessary or the correct move. But favoring one, and accepting the rest is fine. V2 Catholicism lacks potency, and the reputation of the institution is damaged beyond repair. The various sects of Protestantism lack good aesthetics, and have similar issues.

Mormonism is strong but it’s so outlandish that it got bullied into Utah. Islam has many qualities that makes it suitable for Imperium. However it’s very alien to the masses of the first 50 states. We’d have to settle on a sect, and make it palatable to the public. There’s also Baha’i, Wicca, and Thelema.

The Empire of America could also create a syncretic polytheism that pulls from many pantheons. Celtic, Norse, Aztec, Greek, and so on. Embracing polytheism is certainly an option.

Reigniting the flame of Monolatry by going with Atenism or Yahwism is definitely an option. You could also favor Mithraism or Julian’s Hellenism.

Circling back to the model for the Empire of America. The Tau Empire from Warhammer 40k is another solid example. They value peace, and diplomacy. War is typically a last resort for them. They’re a very utilitarian society that believes in the greater good. Everyone must aspire to great heights to advance society as a whole. People have compared them to the USSR. Which isn’t entirely wrong but not 100% right either.

The Tau Empire does allow other species to voluntarily join the Empire. However the Tau do have a caste system. Which isn’t very hammer & sickle of them. The Ethereals are the top caste of society. Pheromones, special abilities, and indoctrination. One or a combination of those could explain their power.

The term “National Progressive” is perfect because it’s rooted in the past, and looks to the future. Leaders like McKinley, the Roosevelts, and Alexander Hamilton should be seen as it’s forefathers. We must construct a strong cultural, and political message around this new ideology. This progressive ideology won’t be like the one we know now.

It’ll be an aristocratic, and royalist progressivism. That believes in the beauty of the American dream, and a galactic empire based on that. A national progressivism that intends to continue manifesting the destiny of America. From continent to continent, and solar system to solar system. Long Live the Empire of America!

Many of the policies I suggested to the CPUSA I’d recommend here. Like Tower Towns, state funded crypto mining, and sci-fi influencing the development of technology.

21 American Presidents have had more than one term, and FDR had 3 terms. That means for almost a century the American public preferred to keep the same leader. Only a fraction of the population actually bothers to vote. Which should indicate to anyone that we don’t actually want democracy.

We’re just convinced that we do by our peers. But in times of need the human species always selects a benevolent despot. The United States has been in a increased state of turmoil since 2000. The Republic is dying. The government has become increasingly more involved in our lives.

There’s very little resistance.

Only tantrums from the so-called patriots.

Social rightism & economic leftism is a powerful combination. Add a little environmentalism, and Promethean futurism throw in as well for an exquisite recipe for dominance. The current governing ideology is bland, and has no flavor.

Add a little spice

Perry Seltzer’s Wrestling Onlooker

Minoru Suzuki vs Takashi Sugiura : 1 out of 5 stars!

Too much hard contact, aggression, and competition! Wrestling is supposed to be fun not painful! They could’ve hurt themselves. Too realistic for me.

Watch it Here

Gentleman Jervis versus Orange Cassidy: 5 out of 5 stars!

Fun, playful, and doesn’t take itself too seriously. Lots of funny moments. This is real professional wrestling. Not that painfully competitive crap that Pro NOAH, Ring of Honor, and NJPW produce.

You can watch it Here

Alex Colon versus Orin Veidt : 69 stars!

An absolute classic match that aspiring wrestlers should study.

Watch it Here

Wrestler of the week is Shane McMahon!

Congratulations to Shane McMahon for being the first Wrestling Onlooker wrestler of the week.